Science fair form

Student 1

Student 2

Student 3

BEFORE Experimentation Begins – Project Safety Concerns and Pre-Approval Signatures

Certain projects require additional considerations and supervision. Read through each of the following restrictions carefully. Determine if any of these apply to your project. Some projects may be subject to multiple restrictions. If any of these restrictions apply to your project, check the “Applies to this Project” box for that area. If no restrictions apply only the science teacher signature is required. . , you will need to obtain any additional signatures listed in the restrictions.

Human Test Subjects (Example: surveys, taste tests, play a game or interact with another human in any way) If you are working with humans of ANY age, you need PRE-approval from a Science Teacher AND a Psychologist, Medical Doctor or Registered Nurse to make sure your research is safe. During the review, if it is determined that there is more than minimal risk to the human subjects involved in the project, the student must receive written consent from each of the participants and written parental consent for students under 18 years old. Required Signatures: Science Teacher AND a Psychologist, Medical Doctor or Registered Nurse. A copy of the surveys or test you intend to use must be attached.

Non-Human Vertebrate Animals (Example: fish, rabbits, dogs, etc) Experiments involving laboratory animals (rats, mice, hamsters, gerbils, rabbits, etc) cannot be conducted in a student’s home except for behavior studies on pets. Proper animal care must be provided daily, including weekends, holidays and vacations. Experimental procedures that cause unnecessary pain or discomfort are prohibited. Experiments designed to kill vertebrate animals are not permitted. Experiments with a death rate of 30% or higher are not permitted. Behavioral studies or supplemental nutritional studies involving pets or livestock may be done at home. Required Signatures: Science Teacher AND a Veterinarian or other Biomedical/Biological Scientist.

Controlled Substances (Example: Over the counter or prescription drugs, tobacco, and alcohol) Students must adhere to all federal, state and local laws when acquiring and handling controlled substances. Only under the direction of a qualified scientist or designated supervisor may a student use federally controlled or experimental substances for experimentation. Students under 21 may not handle or purchase smokeless powder or black powder for science projects. Required Signatures: Science Teacher AND a Biomedical/Biological Scientist.

Hazardous Substances or Devices (Chemicals, firearms, welders, lasers, radioactive substances, radiation) Students must adhere to federal and state regulations governing hazardous substances or devices. An adult must directly supervise experiments. Students working with hazardous substances or devices must follow proper safety procedures for each chemical or device used in the research. Required Signatures: Science Teacher AND a Biomedical/Biological Scientist

Potentially Hazardous Biological Agents (Example: Bacteria, Mold, Fungi, Viruses, Parasites, Recombinant DNA (rDNA), Human or Animal fresh tissues, blood or body fluids, etc) All Biosafety Level 1 and 2 projects can be performed in a school laboratory. BACTERIA MAY NOT BE GROWN AT HOME. Standard microbiological practices must be used and all hazardous agents must be properly disposed of at the end of experimentation. The experiment must be supervised by a qualified scientist or a trained designated supervisor. For lab space or questions, please contact USEF. Required Signatures: Science Teacher AND a Biomedical/Biological Scientist

(required for ALL projects)

I have reviewed and approved this student’s research plan prior to experimentation and certify that it will comply with all of the experimental rules of the University of Utah Science & Engineering Fair.

Additional Safety APPROVAL
(required if any boxes are checked above)

I have reviewed and approved this student’s research plan prior to experimentation and certify that it will comply with all of the experimental rules of the University of Utah Science & Engineering Fair.

Supervisor Acknowledgement

Students must have an adult supervisor when working on the project. This may be a parent or guardian, a teacher, or a laboratory supervisor.

  • I have read the student’s plan and understand all safety requirements.
  • I have been trained in the techniques to be used by this student prior to the start of experimentation.
  • I will provide direct supervision and take responsibility for the safety of my student(s) and any possible participants.

Research Location

Research Locations: Please list the names, addresses and type of location for each place you plan to conduct your research or work on your problem.

Check all that apply.

Student & Parent/Guardian Signatures

I certify the following:

I have read and understand the risks and possible dangers involved in the project plan, and I consent to my child participating in this project.