
This page will be a collection of ways to leverage technology to make the science fair process easier.

Here is a list of things that are included here:

How to Digitally Sign Your Paperwork

Here are a few videos showing how to digitally sign the required paperwork. If you are signing these documents yourself or sending these to others for their signatures, you can refer to these videos to make gathering those signatures easier. There are also a number of iOS and Android apps or other online services that you can use to digitally sign PDFs.

For those using an iOS device (using the built-in PDF viewer)

For those using a PC (using Adobe Reader)

For those using a Mac (using Preview App)

Teachers: we will be happy to schedule an in-person workshop at your school to help you & your students with the science fair process. Please contact us and we'll set up a date & time to meet.

Science Fair Friday Week 1: Don't Freak Out

Here is the first of a series of videos we're making to share tips and tricks on how to have a successful science fair. We'll publish a new one each week. Subscribe to our YouTube channel to see when they are released.

Science Fair Friday Week 2: Investigating a Topic

This week we explore how to get kids excited about the science fair and how to guide their brainstorming efforts towards an appropriate and interesting idea.

Science Fair Friday Week 3: Doing The Research

Content to help teachers, parents, and students stay on track in the science fair process. This week: Doing the research.

Science Fair Friday Week 4: Asking the Right Question

Developing a testable question for science and engineering projects. Science Fair Friday is a 12-week series taking teachers (or students and parents!) through the process in the classroom.

Science Fair Friday Week 5: Designing Your Experiment

Now that you've asked the right question, this video covers how to get started with experimentation. Ideas, Planning & Doing.

Science Fair Friday Week 6: Hypothesis and Design Goal

Week 6 in the Science Fair Friday series. Hypothesis and Design Goal writing for students.

Science Fair Friday Week 7: Writing a Research Plan

This week we discuss how to write a research plan for both engineering and experimental projects.

Science Fair Friday Week 8: Approval & Paperwork

Week 8 discusses what forms need to be completed prior to experimentation or construction.

Science Fair Friday Week 9: Collecting & Recording Data

Science Fair Friday, week 9 in a 12-week series, discussing recording and collecting data for a science project.

Science Fair Friday Week 10: Data Analysis & Graphing

Both experimental & engineering projects should collect and analyze data and display data is clear graphs. This week we discuss how to analyze data through common statistical tests and create the right type of graph for the data.

Science Fair Friday Week 11: Writing A Research Report

This week we discuss the purpose a research report and how to write one.

Science Fair Friday Week 12: Display and Interviews

Week 12 of Science Fair Friday discusses creating display boards and practicing for judge interviews.

USEF Video Series #1: Good vs Bad Lab Behavior

In this first video we cover common lab etiquette:

1. Being Respectful.
2. Dress Code.
3. Distractions.
4. Handling Chemicals.
5. Multiple Students.

USEF Video Series #1: Good vs Bad Project Presentation

A set of useful suggestions for presenting an excellent science fair project.

ISEF Paperwork Video Tutorials

We made a set of videos explaining how to properly fill out all senior division forms. Give these short videos a try if you have any questions.