2022 Project Photos (Elementary)

There are 379 photos in this collection. Click on any image to download a full-size photo.

A Better Future for Bikers

A Better Future for Bikers 2

Acid Rain

Acid Rain 2

Aerodynamic Factors Affecting the Flight Length of Paper Airplanes

Aerodynamic Factors Affecting the Flight Length of Paper Airplanes 2

Amphibifloat Resilient Co-Existence With Water

Amphibifloat Resilient Co-Existence With Water 2

Aqua Mache

Aqua Mache 2

Aqua Mache 3

Are Fingerprint Patterns Genetic

Are Fingerprint Patterns Genetic 2

Are Mask Mandates in Schools Effective at Protecting Against COVID-19

Are Mask Mandates in Schools Effective at Protecting Against COVID-19 2

Are teens addicted to their phones

Are teens addicted to their phones 2

Biodegradable Plastics

Biodegradable Plastics 2

Blood Clots

Blood Clots 2

Bolting for the Door

Bolting for the Door 2

Bouncing Balls

Bouncing Balls 2

Breathe Baby Breathe

Breathe Baby Breathe 2

Breathe Easy Indoors

Breathe Easy Indoors 2

Can a train levitate

Can a train levitate 2

Code to Collapse

Code to Collapse 2

Code to Collapse 3

Colorful Moods

Colorful Moods 2

Colorful Moods 3

Colorful Moods 4

Cookie Conundrum

Cookie Conundrum 2

Crazy Crystals

Crazy Crystals 2


Decomposition 2


Dirtology 2

Disappearing Bag

Disappearing Bag 2

Disappearing Eggshell

Disappearing Eggshell 2

Disinfectants at Work

Disinfectants at Work 2

Dissolving Starbursts

Dissolving Starbursts 2

Do video games rot your brain

Do video games rot your brain 2

Do you get what you pay for

Do you get what you pay for 2

Does a Fully Charged Battery Weigh More Than Dead Battery

Does a Fully Charged Battery Weigh More Than Dead Battery 2

Does The Five Second Rule Work

Does The Five Second Rule Work 2

Don't be so SALTY

Don't be so SALTY 2

Don't be so SALTY 3

Don't be so SALTY 4

Doubles, Triples, and Home Runs

Doubles, Triples, and Home Runs 2

Drone Driving

Drone Driving 2

DSC 0384

DSC 0475

Electromagnet's Magnetic Display

Electromagnet's Magnetic Display 2

Engineered Hidden Camera Glasses

Engineered Hidden Camera Glasses 2

Engineered Hidden Camera Glasses 3

Engineered Hidden Camera Glasses 4

Face Time

Face Time 2

Fire Starter War

Fire Starter War 2

Fletching Sizes

Fletching Sizes 2

Flood Control

Flood Control 2

Flood Control 3

Fluffy Pancakes

Fluffy Pancakes 2

Food Coloring Delicious or Disgusting

Food Coloring Delicious or Disgusting 2

Fruit Battery, Temperature Matters

Fruit Battery, Temperature Matters 2

Fruit Battery, Temperature Matters 3

Fruit vs Battery

Fruit vs Battery 2

Go Bananas

Go Bananas 2

Go with the Flow

Go with the Flow 2

Got Food Waste

Got Food Waste 2

Grow a Better Garden with Less Water in a Drought

Grow a Better Garden with Less Water in a Drought 2

Growing Sugar Crystals

Growing Sugar Crystals 2

Gummy Bear Experiment

Gummy Bear Experiment 2

H2O Detector

H2O Detector 2

H2O Detector 3

H2O Detector 4

Here Comes the Sun Powered Car

Here Comes the Sun Powered Car 2

High Flight

High Flight 2

Homemade Hand Warmers

Homemade Hand Warmers 2

Hot Wheels Derby Racer

Hot Wheels Derby Racer 2

How dirty is your mask

How dirty is your mask 2

How does oil affect friction

How does oil affect friction 2

How does sunlight affect plants

How does sunlight affect plants 2

How Far Will It Go

How Far Will It Go 2

How Safe Is It

How Safe Is It 2

How Safe Is It 3

Hydraulic Hand

Hydraulic Hand 2

I Think I Can

I Think I Can 2

If you add a deepfake to an image with steganography in it will the steganography break

If you add a deepfake to an image with steganography in it will the steganography break 2

Inexhaustible Insulation 2.0

Inexhaustible Insulation 2.0 2

Infinity Illusion Mirror

Infinity Illusion Mirror 2

Infinity Illusion Mirror 3

Insulation - Keep Your Ice Frosty

Insulation - Keep Your Ice Frosty 2

Is Salt Important to Make Mummies

Is Salt Important to Make Mummies 2

Is the 5 Second Rule True

Is the 5 Second Rule True 2

Is the five second rule true

Is the five second rule true 2

Is the zero-emission statement in electric cars really true

Is the zero-emission statement in electric cars really true 2

Jammin Bananas

Jammin Bananas 2

Jello and the Speed of Light

Jello and the Speed of Light 2

Just Chill

Just Chill 2

Lego Sorter

Lego Sorter 2

Lemon Battery Experiment... and More

Lemon Battery Experiment... and More 2

Let's go & see if Fortnite distracts kids

Let's go & see if Fortnite distracts kids 2


Lifeboats 2

Light Your World

Light Your World 2

Line Following Robot Experiment

Line Following Robot Experiment 2

Magical Beans

Magical Beans 2

Making a Moveable Pipe Organ

Making a Moveable Pipe Organ 2

Making a Moveable Pipe Organ 3

Marble Roller Coaster

Marble Roller Coaster 2

Marble Roller Coaster 3

Melting Chocolate

Melting Chocolate 2

Mug Cakes

Mug Cakes 2

Muscle Madness

Muscle Madness 2

Neurons & Temperature

Neurons & Temperature 2

No Seams For You

No Seams For You 2

Object Characteristics Impact on Echolocation

Object Characteristics Impact on Echolocation 2

Oil Spill Solution

Oil Spill Solution 2

Owl Pellets

Owl Pellets 2

Paper Boats

Paper Boats 2

Paper Boats 3

Paper Boats 4

Perler Bead Strength Tests

Perler Bead Strength Tests 2

Plant Light

Plant Light 2

Plants vs Gas

Plants vs Gas 2


Popcorn 2

Positive v. Negative

Positive v. Negative 2

Pot Transporter

Pot Transporter 2

Potatoes vs Lemons

Potatoes vs Lemons 2

Probiotics for Perennials

Probiotics for Perennials 2

Protective Equipment for Deaf Athletes Hearing Devices

Protective Equipment for Deaf Athletes Hearing Devices 2

Pungent 2 Posh

Pungent 2 Posh 2

Removable Cleats

Removable Cleats 2

Removable Cleats 3


Resistance 2

Rethink Your Drink

Rethink Your Drink 2

Rise or Demise

Rise or Demise 2

Rocket to Mars

Rocket to Mars 2

Rocket to Mars 3

Rubber Bands

Rubber Bands 2

Rush Hour

Rush Hour 2

Sky- Rush Coaster Park

Sky- Rush Coaster Park 2

Sky- Rush Coaster Park 3

Smart Sprouts

Smart Sprouts 2

Smart Sprouts 3

Soapbox Car Weight Distribution

Soapbox Car Weight Distribution 2

Solar Energy and Air Pollution

Solar Energy and Air Pollution 2

Sparkly Fresh Saltwater

Sparkly Fresh Saltwater 2

Sparkly Fresh Saltwater 3

Sparkly Fresh Saltwater 4


Spherification 2

Stretch Best

Stretch Best 2

Stretchy Cheese

Stretchy Cheese 2

Sugar Rush

Sugar Rush 2

Super Synthetics

Super Synthetics 2

Tap Water vs Microwave Water

Tap Water vs Microwave Water 2

Tesla Coil

Tesla Coil 2

Testing Chlorine & Sediment Levels in our Local Water

Testing Chlorine & Sediment Levels in our Local Water 2

Testing the Tests

Testing the Tests 2

The Apple Hanger

The Apple Hanger 2

The Apple Hanger 3

The Apple Hanger 4

The Big Ones

The Big Ones 2

The Effect of Marijuana Legalization on Crime in Colorado

The Effect of Marijuana Legalization on Crime in Colorado 2

The Effects of Wax on Skis

The Effects of Wax on Skis 2

The Effects of Wax on Skis 3

The Elephant Toothpaste Experiment 2

The Elephant Toothpaste Experiment 3

The Elephant Toothpaste Experiment.jpeg

The Farthest Kick

The Farthest Kick 2

The Fluorescence Phenomenon

The Fluorescence Phenomenon 2

The Fluorescence Phenomenon 3

The Great Glue Strength Experiment

The Great Glue Strength Experiment 2

The Low-Down on Landscaping

The Low-Down on Landscaping 2

The Mystery of Charlie's Doomed Rocket Flight

The Mystery of Charlie's Doomed Rocket Flight 2

The Nose Knows

The Nose Knows 2

The Strongest Truss Challenge

The Strongest Truss Challenge 2

The Water Cleaner 3000

The Water Cleaner 3000 2

The Water Cleaner 3000 3

The Water Cleaner 3000 4

The Wi-Fi Warriors

The Wi-Fi Warriors 2

The Wi-Fi Warriors 3

There's a Bug on the Rug

There's a Bug on the Rug 2

Thermal Energy Pinwheel

Thermal Energy Pinwheel 2

To Tilt or Not to Tilt

To Tilt or Not to Tilt 2

Traditional vs. Natural Cooling Systems

Traditional vs. Natural Cooling Systems 2

Traditional vs. Natural Cooling Systems 3

Trash Talker

Trash Talker 2

Unbelievable Height

Unbelievable Height 2

Using a Digital Scanner to Make a 3D Print Copy

Using a Digital Scanner to Make a 3D Print Copy 2

Using a Digital Scanner to Make a 3D Print Copy 3

Vegetables, who will win

Vegetables, who will win 2

Veggie Power

Veggie Power 2

Vitamin C in Fruit

Vitamin C in Fruit 2

Water in the Desert

Water in the Desert 2

Water in the Desert 3

Water Production from Air

Water Production from Air 2

Water Purification with Different Sized Carbon Particles

Water Purification with Different Sized Carbon Particles 2

Water Refreshness

Water Refreshness 2

Water Refreshness 3

Water Refreshness 4

What helps you to digest food

What helps you to digest food 2

What household item can dissolve styrofoam

What household item can dissolve styrofoam 2

What household item can dissolve styrofoam 3

What kind of milk makes your stomach happy

What kind of milk makes your stomach happy 2

What materials can block a Wi-Fi signal

What materials can block a Wi-Fi signal 2

What melts ice the fastest

What melts ice the fastest 2

What Mutations Matter

What Mutations Matter 2

What ointments keep your skin moisturized the best

What ointments keep your skin moisturized the best 2

What Would You Like to Drink

What Would You Like to Drink 2

What Would You Like to Drink 3

Where the creek stops and the city starts

Where the Green Grass Grows

Where the Green Grass Grows 2

Which brand of paper towel is the strongest

Which brand of paper towel is the strongest 2

Which Electromagnet Design is the Strongest

Which Electromagnet Design is the Strongest 2

Which face mask works the best

Which face mask works the best 2

Which flavors are most affected by smell

Which flavors are most affected by smell 2

Which is more efficient - Bladeless or Tower Fans

Which is more efficient - Bladeless or Tower Fans 2

Which material cup holds heat best

Which material cup holds heat best 2

Which rocket design will fly the farthest

Which rocket design will fly the farthest 2

Will a Cold Frame Keep Plants Alive

Will a Cold Frame Keep Plants Alive 2

Will your boat float 2

Will your boat float.jpeg

Wireless Energy Transfer

Wireless Energy Transfer 2

Wireless Energy Transfer 3

Worried Wetlands

Worried Wetlands 2