There are 274 photos in this collection. Click on any image to download a full-size photo.
A Computational Study of Ligand Influence in N Heterocyclic Carbene Chemistry
A Greener World Hydrogen From Solar Power
A Heart Pounding Experience
A Natural Way to Clean Up Oil Spills
A Novel Method and Apparatus for a Hydraulic Solar Tracking System for Improving the Efficiency of Solar Panels
A Novel Method and Application for Coating to Reduce Abrasion of Tire
A Water Filtration System for Developing Nations
Acids vs Snails
Algea Based Electrocatalytic Composites
Amazing Rust Removers
An Investigation and Improvement of a Fractal Algorithm
Analysis of Biomass Energy
Applying a Logarithmic Progression to a Fourier Transform in Order to Obtain a Logarithmic Spectrum
Are Altas Minind Days Gone Forever
Are You Safe Behind the Glass
Are You Sure
Arrow Dynamics
Artificual Intelligence Learning to Learn
Aspirin Dissolution
At Last I See the Light
Atherosclerosis Slowing the low
Avoiding Aeronautical Disasters
Back Benders
Back Flare
Bacteria Hysteria
Bacteria Tuna Cow Human
Balloon Method vs Digital Spirometer
Battle of the Kales
Battle of the Sexes Reaction Edition
Bending Space Time in the Basement
Binary Classification of fMRI Data
Bioactivity Guided Isolation of Antimicrobial Compounds
Birthday Paradox
Bouncing Around
Brain Booster The Effect of Omega 3s on Cognitive Ability
Brain Wave Relaxation
Brassicas Use Supplementary Glucose to Compensate for Low Photon Intensity
Brine Shrimp vs Chemicals
Building on Blocky II
Can We Trust the Dust
Caveman Skin
Channeling Light A Fiber Optics Experiment
Characterization of a Metamaterial as Terahertz Waveguides
Cockroaches and Dioxin
Color Power
Compaction Reaction
Computer DJ
Conformity in the Classroom
Congressional Representatives Changes in Voting
Converting Optical Computer Mice to Optical Drawing Apparatus
Cool Hands
Cosmic Correlation Solar Weather and Climate Change
Cutoff Dates A Flawed System
De Coupling Economic Growth from Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Dealing with Diabetes
Design of Natural Fiber Composites
Differences in Quality of Sleep
Dirty Plantsing
Dissolved Oxygen and Aquatic Life
Do Sound Effects and Visual Patterns Affect Balance
Do Sound Effects and Visual Patterns Affect Balance?
Does Appearance Affect Kids Choices
Does Expensive Grade Gasoline Provide a Cost Benefit
Does Eye Black Effect Contrast Sensitivity
Does Font Affect Memory
Does Temperature Affect a Tennis Balls Bounce
Does the Length of the Barrel of a Ping Pong Ball Gun Affect the Accuracy
Does Water Temperature Affect Oil Spill Cleanup
Don't Cry Over Bad WiFi
Driving Away Drosophila
Dynamic vs Static
Effect of Salinity Levels on the Hatching Viability of Brine Shrimp
Effectiveness of Murray City vs UDOTs Road De Icing Methods
Efficancy of CDC Ebola PPE Guidelines and Training
Efficiency of Biofuels and Nonrenewable Energy
Electrolyte Challenge
Electromagnetic Power
Enamel Erosion
Enzyme Catalyzed Reactions
Ethanol The Future Fuel
Eye Eye Captain
Fast Talker
Fence Against the Wind
Fertilizer Fun
Fireproofing Trees
From Brown to White Which Toothpaste Is Right
From Here to There Wirelessly
Functional Neural Networks
Genders Effect on the Ability to Taste
Genetics in Medicine
Genotyping Thy.1.YFP Transgenic Mice
Go Greenbeans Grow
Good Poop is the Nect Best Diet Thing
Good Poop is the Next Best Diet Thing
Got Gum
H2Ocean Power
Hacker Attack
Heat it Up
Heat it up: Developing a Thermoelectric Stove Fan From Scratch
Heat it up: Developing a Thermoelectric Stove Fan From Scratch
Hoe Does an Incrreased Carbon Dioxide Environment Affect Hard Red Spring Wheat and Millet
Homemade Cement
Hot r Not
How Do Battleships Float
How Do Different Ski Waxes Effect the Speed of a Ski
How Does An Intronic DNA Mutation Affect Protein Synthesis
How Does Temperature Affect Magnetism
How Many Beads Does it Take
How Old is Your Memory
Increasing Healthy Risks
Individual vs Group The Effect of Group Size on Learning Two Differet Activites
Innovative Structural Shapes
Invasive Species Common Survival Skills
Investigating Metastatic Characterastics of Candidate Dissemination Genes
Is It Mint To Be
Is the Electric Car Really the Answer to Utahs Air Quality Problems
Is There a Silver Lining That Wont Hurt a Flea
Jump: An Automated Jumprope Turner
Just a Spoonful of Robots Helps the Medicine Go Down
Lets Hear It
Lighting Up The Track
Lightspeed Compute At The Speed of Thought
Lost in a Food Desert
Lowering The Freezing Point of Water
Maf Lev Wind Turbines
Making Reading Black and Blue
Measuring Facial Perfection
Measuring the Moon's Movement
Microbial Output from Electric Hand Dryers
Mission Ignition
Mobile App For Cloud Based Voting
Modeling and Analyzing Melting Arctic Sea Ice with Percolation Thoery
Morning Sky
MS of MS
Nanoparticle Mass Spectrometry
Natural Stress Reduction
Nest to Home
Nested Cellular Automata Based Epidemic Simulation
Now I Can Scream
Ocean Acidification The Silent Killer
Oil to Boil
Optimal Conditions for Prenyltrnsferase Activity
Optimizing Koi Tank Tmeperatres
Our Electronic Memory
Ozone Friend or Foe
Parabolic Catapult Launch
Partial Perpetual Motion Machine
Password Security
PCR Amplification from Whole Blood and Blood Treated with EDTA
Peripheal Vision
Plant Distribution
Polar Prescriptions
Potato Power
Powering the Future Develpment of Novel All Solid State Bio Batteries
Prince Ruperts Drops
Prodigous Power
Propeller Power
Radiation Sensation
Radioactive Bacteria
Rainbow Fire
Reaction Time he Peak
Rescue Bot
Rescue Bot
Risks of Surgical Site Infections During Surgery
Risky Behavior
Salt Lake Inversion
Save Your Smile
Seeds Shoots and Roots
Self Similar Geometry for Medically Implantable Devices
Shake The Brace
Shapes and Weight
SHapes and Weight
Signature Signature
Slack Line In Your Way
SNail Repellant
So You Think You Know How Much Sugar is in That
Social Norms sa Motivation in High School Students
SOlar Desalination
Solar Energy More with Less
Springs in Motion
Stain Pain
Static Electricity
Statistics The Probability of Heads or Tails with Different Coins
Stocked Up Water
Stopping Fungal Growth
Stressed Out
Stressed Pikas AN Analysis of Hormones in Fecal Samples
Stroop Effect Boys Vs Girls
Sustaining the Science
Sweet Dreams with Lavender
Swimming in the Fast Lane
Taking the Energy Source of Tomorrow to New Heights
The Balancing Trick
The Best Sunscreen SPF
The Brains Behind Wheres Waldo
The Cost od Smelling Good
The Distribution of Elements in the Supernova Remnant MGC 1952
The Effect of Acids on Rock Mass
The Effect of Brining on the Sodium Content of Meat
The Effect of Calcium Signaling in Megakaryoposis
The Effect of Natural Mushroom Based Substances on the Regeneration Rate of Planaria
The Effect of Natural Mushroom Based Substances on the Regeneration Rate of Planaria 2
The Effect of Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide on C. Elegans
The Effect of Nutrient Enrichment on the Carbon Sequestering Potential of the Great Salt Lake
The Effect of Restriction Length on the Efficiency of Mixing
The Effect of Sulfur Depreivation and Light Cycles
The Effect on Mutant RAB28 on the Transport of Rhodopsin
The Effect pf Fppd Wrappings on the Preservation of Apple Slices
The Effects of Wind on Rain Collection
The Efficancy of Various Inhibiting Agents on LDS1 and LSD2 Protein
The Genetics of Taste Perception
The Human Brain and Uncommon Words
The Ice Rink Project
The Key to Immunity The Effect of Waterborne Viruses
The Mathematics of Angry Birds
The MeasureMe System
The Non So Sweet Side of Artificual Sweeteners
The Perfect Fishing Knot
The Perfect PID
The Power of Peppermint
The Race to Erase
The Science of Bioplastic
The Secret to Test Success
The Speed of Maglev Technology
The Sweet Smell of Burning Bugs in the Morning
The TypeIT Device Keyboards for Kenya Part II
The Versatility of the Coiled Coil in Cancer Therapeutics
The Wait Ends Now
Tilting Solar Panels
Tinia S Buoyancy Driven Atmospheric Glider
Tire Pressure Tactics
To Burn Wood or Gas for a Cooler World
To Float or Not To Float
To Spike or Not to Spike
To The Skies
Too Fruity Anthocyanin Effects on Solar Cell Output
Tooth Decay
Transepithelial Transport of Dendrimers
Treatment of Aqueous Organic Pollutants Utilizing TiO2 Nanoparticles
Truncating and Capping a Coiled Peptide for Treatment of CML
Turn Up and Tune In
Twins Left or Right
Ungravity Plants
Using Common Alcohols to Decrease Primary Particulate Output of and EPA Approved Wood Burning Stove
Using Geant 4 to Model Neutron Activiation Analysis
Using HPLC to Isolate the Antibacterial Protein of Bee Defensin 1
Using Stable Isotope Spectroscopy to Trace Nitrogen Pollution in the Jordan River
Utilizing a VO2maxRegression
Vehicle Generated Aeolic Energy
Wax On Wax Off
What Materials Block Radiation Decay
What Medication Creates Greatest Toxicity of Freshwater
What's The Angle
What's The Best Ship Shape
Which Mother Nose Best
Which Product is Better for Disinfecting Soft Contact Lenses
Which Two Piece Golf Balls Travels the Farthest Distance
Why Cant My Cute Dog Find Her Ball
WiFi Blockers
Wings of Power
Worm and Wheat
Xtreme Sports Charger
Your Carbon Footprint Matters
Zebrafish Lab System