2019 Project Photos

There are 557 photos in this collection. Click on any image to download a full-size photo.

How Does the Viscosity of a Substance Affect the Time it Takes for a Marble to Move Through it

3D Tracking Using Ultrasonic Sound

5 Second Rule

A Battery that makes cents

A Cheap Complete Water Solution

A Comparison of Egg Density Between Pastured

A Fountain of Germs

A Human Mirror

A New Way to Cool

A New Way to Generate Electricity Made Better or Worse

A Novel Mathematical Model for the Early Detection of Dengue Fever

A Novel Method Towards the Determination of the Role of Microvascular

A Shocking Experiment

A Short Walt to Water

A Speeds Viability After Having Been Frozen

Acid Attack

Acoustic Levitation

Adrenalines Effect on Reaction Speed

Aerodynamics of a golf ball

Air Drag and Flight

Air Wind Rain

Algae Bioreactor

All a Flame

All About that Bass

All those waves

Aloe Juice vs Molding Fruit

Americas New Epidemic


An Affordable Alternative to Conentional Fused Deposition Modeling

An Epidemiological Study Quantifying Differences in Thyroid Cancer Risk Across Birth Cohorts and I-131 Exposure Levels

An Innovative Approach to Estimating Suicide Underreporting

An Investigation of the Sexual Size Dimorphism of the Feather Louse

Antibiotic Chilli Peppers

Antimicrobial Investigation of Dental Caps

Are certain fingerprint pattterns correlatied

Are Eco-Friendly Dish Detergents Actually Safer to the Environment than Conventional Dish Detergents

Are Fingerprints Inherited

Are Microwaves Safe

Are You Cold Outside Wear This

Are You Inside Out

Are You Left or Right

Are your eyes playing games

Areas of Highest Bacteria on Campus

At What Age Do People Stop Choosing Skittles

Attenuated Synaptic Plasticity in the IAK

Automatic Chicken Door

Automatic Pet Food Dispenser

Automatic Water Dispenser

Balloon Powered Car

Bamboos Ability to Remediate Arsenic Contaminated Water

Bandage Bondage

Barriers to Hand Hygiene

Bathroom Hand Washing

Battery Powered

Beet vs Meat

Better Blades for Wind Turbines

Beware of Bacteria They Appear in Strange Areas

Bio Batteries

Biomarker Development for Sudden

Bites & Envenomations

Bitter Coffee

Blame it on the Acid Rain

Blind Sweat

Bottles vs Fiberglass A fight to the death

Bouncy Balls

Bound and Bricked

Bridge Strength


Bring the Heat

Building a Phone Microscope

Bully No Bullying

Buoyancy a fruity situation

Caffines Effect on Plants

Can a Dilute Solution of Medications

Can Game Extract the Desire to Learn

Can Grey Water Reclaimed from Washing Machines

Can we find Diabetes in your Breath

Can You Breed A Super Algae Through Forced Adaptation

Can you give me a hand or foot

Can you lift a car with two phone books

Can you take the heat

Candied Apples

Canine Reaction

Car Key Remote Signal Booster

Cereal Confessions

Characterizing Behavioral Comorbidities In Mouse Model

Chemistry of Ice Cream Making

Citrus Fruit and pH

Cleaners vs Germs

Clear the Air

CO2 and air temperature changes in direct sunlight

Color and Emotions

Color and Temperature

Color Preference

Colorblind or Not

Coloring Memory

Comparing Drought Stress and Water Retention

Concentrations of Ibuprofen Causing False Positives on THC Marijuana Immunoassays

Conditions for Enzymes in Biofuel Production

Constructing the Strongest Bridge

Cookie Chemistry

Cooling the Atmosphere

Copper to the ResCu

Corrosion Explosion

Crystal vs Crystal

Cultivating Mars

DAD's In Training

Dangers of Road Salt

Design of Improved Inverse Transition Cycling Protein

Determine the Effectivity of Phage Therapy

Developing Microorganisms for Drug Discovery

Dirty snowball

Disco Dancers

Diversity in Music Taste in Age Groups

DIY Cell Phone

Dizzy Melody

DNA Sequencing and Analysis of Microbial Colonies

Do Cookies Affect Your Mood

Do Dogs have a color preference

Do fruit or vegetables have more DNA

Do glass bottles really float

Do Mints Effect Test Scores

Does Birth Order Affect Personality

Does Eye Color Affect the Way We See Light

Does Mint Lower Temperature

Does Octane rating on fuel affect the amount of Particulate Matter a car emits

Does organic milk contain more protien than regular or dry milk

Does sensitivity to sound frequencies differ by gender

Does the cost of flushable wipes

Does the Temperature of Cupcakes Affect its Weight

Does Unconscious Bias Affect Donation Behavior

Does Virtual Reality Affect Hand Eye Coordination

Does Water Temp Affect The Breathing Rate of Beta Fish

Does your sunscreen work

Dog Repellent for Mink

Don't let distraction drive you off track

Don't let the sun get under your skin

Dont be a drag

Dont Be Stressed Do It Less

Dont Blow It

Double Trouble Pinball

Drone Power Efficiency

Drone Wind

Earth Needs to Chill How About Some

Effect of Sugar Source On Growth and Lactic Acid

Effects of Age and Gender on Long Distance

Effects of Atmospheric Pollution on an Aquatic Food Chain

Effects of Soil Type on Plant Growth

Egg Oxidation

Egg Substitutes

Eggcellent Packaging

Eggless Cupcakes

El-Clip Raspador Presentacion

Electromagnetic limits

Electromagnetic Trains

Emission Spectra of Single Trapped Nanoparticles

Enzyme Catalase Reaction

Enzymes Activity

Erosion and Wildfires in Rance Creek Utah

Evaluating Salt Lake County Watershed

Evaporation Exploration

Exploring Enviromental Justice in the Salt Lake Valley

Exploring Motivated Numeracy

Eyes vs Ears

Face and Obstruction Detecting Robot

Fantastic Plastic

Fast and Furious

Fat Content In Food

Fee Fi Mo-Nana Banana Biofuel

Fermentation Fued

Fertilizer Fiesta

Fetch it then stretch it

Fiery Fabrics

Fight Obesity Are you really Burning it off

Filter out the different types of drinks using activated carbon

Five Second Rule

Flight Endurance Testing

Flying High

Food is power

Food Scraps Earthworms and Soils

Fountain of Youth

Freestyle Swimming Breathing Patterns

Freezing Batteries

Freezing Tanning Floating

From Foe to Friend

Functionality of the Oligodynamic Effect in Copper

Getting a Grip on Germs

Glow Sticks

Good or Bad Biofuel

Green Power Bike


Growth Rate of Carrots Grown Indoors

H2 Oh No

Hair tie explosions

Hamsters Amaze Me

Haugh Nutrittious Are Your Eggs

Healthy Relationships

Hearing or Sight

Heartburn vs Antacids

Heat Check

Heating Enzymes

Helping to Help

Heron's Fountain

Hey Cookie, Why You So Flat

Hey What Do You Know About DNA

High Fat Diet is Best

How Air Temperature affects Balloons

How Candy Types Affect Bodies

How Clean Are Your Hands

How Different Liquids can Change the Size of Orbies

How Do Different Conductive Materials and Distances Affect Resistance

How Do Different Shoe Treads Types Affect Traction

How Do Different Types of Lights Affect Plants Rates of Photosynthesis

How do different types of water affect plant growth

How Do Melting Ice Caps Affect Plankton Growth

How do we know how big our sun is

How do Wood Burning Devices Affect Air Quality

How Does A Worms Diet Affect

How does food effect people with dibetes

How does gender age and genetics

How does kicking a soccer ball at different points

How does light effect the way grass grows

How Does Local Bird Population Diversity Change Along The Urban Gradient

How does slope angle affect a skier's speed

How does tenstion relate to a catapults

How Does the Difference in Angle Size of a Triangular Truss

How Does the Strength of Bone Glue

How does the temperature affect the volume of a gas

How does the temperature of a baseball effect the distance it travels

How Does Water Affet Thermal Conductivity in Soil

How Interior Walls Make A Difference

How much weight can jello take

How Safe is Our Drinking Water

How slime reacts when different things are added

How Sweet's the Temperature

How Temperature Influences the Effectiveness of Catalase Enzymes

How the height of water influences hydrostatic pressure

How To Clean Up Water Using Household Materials

How Water Depth Effects Wave Height and Velocity

How Well Do Various Filtration Methods Eliminate Chlorine

How would the light spectrum cause temperature differences

Humans vs Computers

Hydration Frustration

Hydraulic Reaching Assistant

Hype Over Hydroflask

Ice Ice Baby

Impact Angles and Crater Shape

Implementing Markov Chains to Forecast the Weather

Improvement in Hurricane Forecast Using Neural Networks

Improving Network Communication Safely Using Diffie-Hellman Algorithm

Infrared radiation and the color spectrum


Investigate the effects of small molecule

Investigating the Effects of Histone

Invisible Ink

Iodized Salt vs Other Salts

Is Garlic a Miracle Cure

Is it possible to use acoustic levitation

Is Recycled Glass A Good Water Filter

Is your lunch healthier than a 5th grader's

Is Your School Clean

It's a long shot

Jitsarg Fitness Index

Just Like You

Keepin' It Cool

Kick This

Kickboard Plus

Kids Signs or Cops

Killer In The Kitchen

Kinetic Energy

Know your Snow

Lawn Mowers

Leaves Be Gone

Leaves in the Wind

Lentil plants are growing up

Let it Grow

Let's plant it

Lights On

Like It Or Not


Low Cost Sonar Equipped Remotely


Machine Learning for the Classification of Cyber Attacks

Maglev Ski Train

Magnetic Hydraulic Arm

Marksmanship and speed

Maximizing the Voltage of A Solar Panel Based on Tilt

May the Electromagnetic Force Be With You

Measuring Impact Resistance of Different 3D Printing Materials

Measuring mass with a homemade watt balance

Measuring Particulate Matter During After School Pick Up

Measuring Static Electricity

Meditation Effect on Reaction Time

Melting Ice with Salt

Memorization Mode

Memory Efficiency Due To Recall Order

Memory Strategie

Meteorites Around

Microbacteria In Our Water

Mind Tricks

Moisturizer barriers against water evaporation

Mono's vs DI's

Mood Ring Bling

More Power to Rooftop Solar Power

More than meets the Ear

Mousetrap Car

Moving objects

Multimeter Madness

Mung beans germination

Music and Heart Rate

Myth Buster

NADH Regeneration at an Electrode

Natural power

Nature Connection

Neck Stand


New Results on the Dynamics of

No Work Cat Feeder

Normal distribution

Oceans II

One Leaf Two Leaf

Ooey Gooey Slime

Opioid-Like Deactivation

Optimal Pivots for Quicksort

Organic vs Regular Eggshell

Ouch What Pet Hair Creates The Most Static Electricity

Outerspace sun shield

p53-Bad - A Novel Mitochondrially

Paper Airplane Flight Tests

Paper Airplanes

Paper Plane-Bot


Park City Power

Passed Gas

Patient Compliant Non Invasive Diagnostic Apparatus

Peer Relationships Cerebral Palsy vs Fractures

Perplexing Pollution

Pesticides In Utah Water

Pet Doorbell

pH Variations on Diastase Activity

Phones vs Keyboards

Phyla Fun

Pinocchio's Arm

Pitch in for the Environment

Pitch Test on Musicians vs Non Musicians

Plant vs Soil Erosion


Plants and Light Spectrum

Plants vs smoke

Plastic bag insulation

Plastic Degradation in the Great Salt Lake

play the pain away

Playing with Fire Yet Again

Playing with Mcgerms

Pollution Distribution

Potential Correlation Between Biased

Potential Energy Unwound

Potential Plastic Solution

Power of Positive Thinking

Power on the Go

Power plants

Power Yes or Power Less

Powerless pollution

Precision Medicine Analysis of Clinical Literature

Pressure Reducing Turbine

Project aqua-gray

Prove Them Wrong

PTC Taste Test

Pumpkin Preservation

Purrfect Pillow

Put the Tee in NiTrate

Quicker Picker Upper

Race to the bottom

RC Snowplow Project

Read Write and Color

Red light Green Light

Reducing LED Flicker

Remote control light switch

Restaurant Computer Program

Rethink your sugary drink

Rhizosphere Microbiota and Drought Tolerance in Sunflowers

Ring Ring

Rise of the Cookies

Rope Diameter & Velocity

Rush to Relief

Rusty rain gutters

Safe abd effecient bridge design

Salty Solutions

Salty Water & Radishes. Will it Grow

Salvaging Heat Produced by Electronics

Saving Energy with an Electronic Shut Off Timer

Saving the Monarch Butterflies

Say It Again, My Eyes Didn't Catch It

Scared of Earthquakes

Seeing the light

Self Esteem & Sport Participation in Teenagers

Self-Solving Rubiks

Serve Velocity and string tension in tennis

Shake and Quake

Shoot For the Moon

Should You Flush That?

Sight vs Taste

Silent Killer Investigation of Silent Myocardial

Silver to Copper

Simulating Object Motion Using Scratch

Sip all day, get decay

Skipping sparks

Skittles vs Liquids

Slime Time

Snake Cube Math

Sniffing Out Cancer Culturing Cells

Snow vs Snow

Soaking up Science

Social Media Addiction and Self Esteem

Socially Awkward or Intellectually Smart

Solar Powered Aquaponics System

Solar Powered Desalination

Solute to the Ice Cube

Somethings Fishy

Sorry Not Sari

Speed wobble Stopper

Speedy Steel

Spice It Up or not

Stains and Drinks

Static Electricity

Stayin' Alive

Steam Boat

Step Into the Light

Stop Signs Hurt People

Stopping Algal Blooms

Strength of an Electromagnet

Stress - Does it make a difference

Stress Balls & Relief

Stress Level Comparison Between Genders

Stress Relievers

Sucky Water Bottles

Sugar Ice Cream Freeze

Sunlight vs artificial

Super Trains

Synthesis and Characterization of GnRH

Talking About Difficult Topics

Temperature and Train Efficiency

Temperature and tuning

Temperature and Tuning.jpeg

Terrific toothpaste

Testing Synergistic Effects of Drug Pais on E Coli

Testing the Archbacterial Effects of Dog Saliva on E coli

Testing the effect of air pressure on travel under load

Testing the Reacion Rate of Tetrazine

The Bar Chalker

The Best Way to Purify River Water

The Boiling Point

The Decellularization of Collard Greens

The Development of Anxiety Disorders in Teenagers

The Effect of Benzene on Bacterial Growth

The effect of different UV light

The Effect of Irradiation on Plants

The Effect of Piano Practice on Fluency Speed

The effect of salt on Bacterial Growth

The Effect of Smell on Dream Content

The Effect of the Salinity of a Saltwater

The Effects of Sunscreen on Marine Life

The Fat in The Food We Eat

The Filter

The Future of Flight

The Great Shakeout

The Heat is On

The Household Chemical Cooler Warmer

The Influence of Calcium on the Effectiveness

The Jimed Chicken Feeder

The Liquefaction Reaction

The Meltdown

The N-body Problems Simulating Space with Computers

The On Fortnite

The Physics of Volleyball

The Power of Distraction

The Reading Race

The Relationship between the sense of smell and age

The Roots of Trouble

The Salty Snow Shovel

The search for micro meteorites

The Sleep Study

The Sound Absorber

The Sound of Music

The Sweetest Snooze

The tooth and nothing but the tooth

The US Citizenship Test

The Vaporace

The Yawnimo Effect

Thermo Electricity - The Seebeck Effect

Think Blue

Three Methods to Test Salt Concentration in Water

Tic Tac Toe AI

Time Flies When You Are Having Fun

To Heat or Not to Heat

To rust of not to rust

To Trust or Not to Trust

Tooth Decay Egg Experiment

Tree Trials

Turbidity of Toll Canyon Creek

Up Up and Forever Away

Using Isotope Analysis to Determine Archaeological Features

Using Machine Learning Techniques to Predict Mutant P53

Utilizing Ligand Structuring Metaservers to Model Pathogenic

Vibration Analysis in Adictive Manufacturing

Video Games

Videoless Game

Virtual Reality


Walking Water

Want to Avoid Cavities, Don't drink soda

Want to Play

Water Purification using Natural Materials

Water Quality In The Wasatch Range And The Salt Lake Valley

Water Rocket

Weighting for Take Off

What Are You Afraid Of

What causes an Avalanche

What Effect Does A Small Amount of Stress Have On Productivity

What is the best common roofing material for insulation

What Is The Best Recovery Drink

What is the Fastes Way to Cool a

What is the fastest method to cool a bowl of soup

What is the Force of Light Pollution

What is the lightest material that I can put Inside

What keeps you up at night

What liquid will orbeez grow in

What liquid works best for plant growth

What materials can block a Wifi signal

What Materials Can Block A WiFi Signal

What Motivates kids

What puts the puffin' in your muffin

What taste did Yogurt

What the EMF

What Type of Toiletpaper Is Most Biodegradable when Backpacking

What's good for your blood vessels

What's in Your Snack

Where is my WiFi

Which Activator Makes the Stretchiest Slime

Which boat holds the most weight

Which Foundation is Safest during and Earthquake

Which Ice Cream Melts the Fastest

Which is Better, Bacteria vs Personal Hygine Products

Which liquid causes the most tooth decay

Which Nose Works the Best

Which One Boils Faster

Which Soda Is Most Likely To Damage Your Teeth

Which type of metal water bottle keeps its temperature

Which type of sunscreen protects best

Which Water is Best

Which Wick

Will a zinnia seed grow differently in different typles of soil

Will it Grow

Will it Live

Will LIghtning Destroy Carbon Fiber Airplanes

Wire Shoelaces vs The Adjustable Elastics

You See It Now You Dont